Dr. Judy Fornara is the founder and pastor of Spiritual Life Church. She is a gifted Bible teacher and minister of the Gospel. She is widely known as a prophet to nations, moving in the apostolic and prophetic gifts, which are a blessing to the Body of Christ worldwide.
She graduated with honors from ORU, earning a B.A. in Education; she earned a Master’s Degree in Theology at Bethel Theological Seminary in St. Paul, MN, and later, a Ph.D. in Education and Theology from Golden State University California.
Pastor Judy is also senior pastor of Spiritual Life Church, founder of Spiritual Life Training Center (now Spiritual Life Bible College), and president of Covenant Life Ministerial Organization.
She has a call to the nations and has ministered in over 104 foreign countries where she has led crusades and pastors’ seminars, bringing many into God’s Kingdom and a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Moved by the Spirit of God, she has ministered to lepers and presidents alike.
Thousands of people are healed, delivered, and transformed by the power of God when she ministers, whether in the local home church, at various seminars and conferences, or in the remote reaches of some foreign land.
Dr. Joseph Fornara graduated from the University of Minnesota Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. Degree in Liberal Arts. He has earned a Master’s Degree in Biblical studies, and in 2016 he received a Doctorate Degree in Biblical Theology.
He co-pastors with his wife, Pastor Judy, and is a gifted teacher and preacher of the Word. His logical, down-to-earth style and delivery has attracted many to the Body of Christ who might otherwise have remained disinterested.
Pastor Joe is the President of Spiritual Life Bible College which offers three programs: Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, as well as Bible Certificate, and the Vice-President of CLMO.
He is a Vietnam vet, and prior to joining the ministry, he owned and operated a number of businesses. Pastor Joe uses that broad experience to help people in the Body of Christ manage their finances, and has been instrumental in maintaining the sound financial stability in Spiritual Life Ministries, with utmost emphasis placed on integrity.
Pastor Joe envisions the future of Spiritual Life Church as a cross-cultural community ministering to people across denominational lines and fully capable of reaching out to the lost. He desires Spiritual Life Church to be a place that sustains, leads, and brings each individual into maturity in Christ.